Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The kid is wise beyond his years

On Monday and Tuesday Eric is off work so he drives me to work and Drew to school. At the end of the day he picks Drew up from school, takes him to tae-kwan-do and then picks me up from work. It's very exciting. We are CRAZY, PARTY people. Really.

I tell you that to tell you this:

Typically when we all go somewhere Eric drives. He is a good driver and I think he thinks I am a bad driver so it is just easier on everyone if he drives. I don't mind. That leaves my hands free to take over the radio. See? It all works out in the end. For me, anyway.

This afternoon I wanted to shake things up a bit. You know, walk on the wild side, and I got Eric to let me drive home. At one point I happened to look out my side window at the same time the car in front of me put on their brakes. Normally I have slight tailgating tendencies, but today I was PLENTY far back and there was NO WAY I was going to hit that car. Seriously. Not. A. Chance.

Eric, however, disagreed. He totally squawked which scared the hell out of me so I squawked back. You don't yell at the driver! Ever! I practically crapped my pants for nothing! Eric got irritated at me because I snapped at him and I got irritated that he snapped at me for snapping at him and we snapped at each other just a little bit. (It's love, people. LOVE.)

So, we are snapping at each other and suddenly Drew pipes up from the backseat and says, I kid you not,

"Why don't you guys just stop fighting and talk it out."

Yes, my dear readers. The kid is brilliant.

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