Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Things

Did I mention I am a Facebook junky? NO??

Well then, I am a Facebook junky. I got tagged by about a dozen people to do this 25 random things list. You are supposed to just write down 25 random things about yourself, tag 25 people and send the list into Facebookland.

When I started my list I thought it would take me about 20 minutes. It took me about an hour and a half. SO...since I spent so much time on it I figured I would do double duty and post it here, too.

So without further ado. 25 Random Things About Me.

1. When I was in high school I dislocated my knee and when I showed up at school on crutches a bunch of my classmates thought I was faking it. I went home every day for a week and cried because everyone thought I was a liar. Since then I have dislocated that knee again and had two knee surgeries. I also totally freak out if anyone messes with my knees.

2. I absolutely hate Christmas and tend to start having anxiety attacks about Thanksgiving. I refuse to put the Christmas tree up until a few days before and I take it down the day after. I also yell rude comments out the car window when I see houses who have Christmas lights up in January. My husband hates that. My son thinks it is hysterical.

3. I would really like to play hockey on the women's league here, but I refuse to do it. The reason I won't do it? The mental picture of my ass in all that padded gear is truly horrifying. I would have to change my name to Olga and take up shot-put.

4. I hate talking on the phone and rarely call anyone unless I have to. I talk on the phone all day long at work doing interviews and stuff. When I get home I don't even answer it. I have a list of about 4 people I will talk to and everyone else goes to voicemail. Most of the time I don't even listen to my voicemail either. I have Eric do it and he tells me who called. I don't do it to be rude...I just hate talking on the phone.

5. I read really fast and go through about 3 books a week. The bookstore loves me. Eric wishes I would get a library card.

6. I still sleep with a stuffed animal. It is an elephant. Eric named it Harry Elephante. The man must really love me to put up with me sleeping with a giant stuffed elephant. Sometimes I even take it when we travel.

7. Eric and I are thinking about having another baby and my favorite part of the whole thing is the ability to blame my fat ass on pregnancy. My least favorite part is everything else related to being pregnant. I hated it the first time. The concept of doing it again is utter insanity. The decision is far from being made...we change our minds daily.

8. When I get really stressed out I like to color. I have a giant box full of colored pencils, three Tinkerbell coloring books and I will sit in my bed and color until I feel better. Then I grab Harry Elephante and go to sleep.

9. I can't go to sleep at night without music playing. If the room is quiet I end up laying in bed thinking about all the things I need to do tomorrow, or didn't get done today and then I lay awake all night. I listen to the same CD every night and if I don't find something new soon Eric may find a way for it to mysteriously disappear so he never has to hear it again.

10. I owe a small fortune in student loans thanks to grad school and I have a master plan to keep deferring them because eventually... I will die. I think they may be catching on. Sallie Mae and I are good friends.

11. I am a closet "Cops" watcher. I think it is the greatest show ever because I always feel so good about my life decisions after I watch it. Seriously? At no point have I ever stood in front of a trailer house, with a baby, a cigarette and a beer telling a cop about how my baby daddy was drunk and chased me with a kitchen knife. Suddenly, sleeping with a stuffed elephant and having a penchant for Tinkerbell coloring books doesn't seem quite so bad.

12. I can talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime about anything. This comes in handy with my line of work, but can be somewhat disturbing to the people who share an elevator with me. I just can't stand being in that close of proximity with someone and not talking to them!

13. Watching my husband play hockey is one of my favorite things to do. My very favorite part is when one of his opponents trys to start a fight with him. He is such a big guy the other person tends to run into him and fall over. That usually puts a stop to it and it is truly hysterical to watch.

14. Even thought I owe the equivalent of the national debt of Serbia in student loans I really want to go to law school. I don't want to be a courtroom attorney. I want to specialize in employment law and stay in the HR field. I think it will give me another edge in the industry.

15. As a recruiter I learned how to use google and other search engines to track down just about everything under the sun. I typically use that knowledge to cyberstalk old boyfriends and old school friends to see what kind of dirt I can dig up. It is quite fascinating what you can find out about a person on the internet and most of the time they don't even know it is out there.

16. I love to drive and find it very relaxing to hop in the car, put in a good CD and just hit the road. I have driven across country on more than one occasion and really loved it. I also have some really great stories about psycho truck drivers thanks to those road trips!

17. I would really love to pack up everything we own and move to another country. I am thinking someplace warm and sunny would be great. We'd probably do it, too, except there is no way we could sell our house right now and I don't have a valid passport.

18. I like to have conversations with people about religion and politics and purposely say something inflamatory just to get them riled up. It just fascinates me to watch someone get so bent out of shape when it is a topic that is almost impossible to effectively argue. I simply drop a bomb and then sit back to watch what happens.

19. If I could change anything about myself I would make myself shorter. Pant shopping is a pain in the ass at my height!

20. I really, really want to get on the Oprah show at Christmas so I can get all the free crap she gives away on the "Oprah's Favorite Things" episode. I don't watch Oprah or really care about Oprah. I just want the cool free stuff. It would make Christmas shopping so much faster!

21. I have a knack for song lyrics and can sing just about any song I hear. I also believe strongly that if I could empty my brain of song lyrics and replaced it with something useful I would be absolutely freaking briliant.

22. I also have a thing for movie quotes and once went an entire day talking in nothing but movie quotes.

23. If I could get away with it I might never actually leave my bed. I have the most comfortable bed in the world. Seriously. Ask Eric. He knows.

24. If I had to pick one thing to be remember for it would be my sense of humor. I don't think I was funny when I was younger, but as I have grown up I have honed my smart-ass skills and developed an desire to not take anything too seriously. The best compliment I can get is when someone tells me I am funny.

25. I had the hardest time thinking of 25 things to tell people. When I started this little list I thouht I'd knock it out in a couple of minutes. It took me a freaking hour and a half! I am certain that reveals something important about me, but I am not sure I want to figure out what.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayna, I've been reading your blog for a while and LOVE it! Both of them actually. I'm also a recruiter, although not as senior as you, and wanted to get your opinion on some things. I can't fine your email address? I'm hoping you can give me some insight into some things. My email addess is: I would love to hear from you.