Thursday, January 15, 2009

When energy goes bad.

I think I am going to seriously go completely insane. My child NEVER stops moving or talking. NEVER. He talks in his sleep. The boy moves all. the. time. ALLTHETIME.




I am thinking of investing in duct tape. That would kill two birds with one stone. I could both tape his mouth shut AND tape him to the wall. It's genius I tell you! That is actually how duct tape was invented. It was orginally called "Child Tape." That was back in the days when you had 57 kids so they could work the fields to sell the crops to pay for the land and the seed. Though...I have to wonder...if you have 57 kids because you are poor and can't afford to hire field hands doesn't having 57 kids and the resulting expenses just defeat the purpose? Anyway...I digress...

Anyway, eventually some do-gooder got angry at people taping their rowdy kids to the wall so the tapers started calling it Duck Tape in hopes that if they used a code word then no one would be able to figure out it was really your kid *wink wink* that was being taped to the wall and not really a duck. Eventually duck got changed to Duct because the do-gooders suddenly went, "But, The Old Lady in the Shoe doesn't have a duck...Hmmmm."

I wouldn't really tape Drew to the wall. I am, however, considering hiring an electrician who can wire him up to power the house.

And, without further ado, and because I have run out of things to say, here are some pictures of Mazie. Some friends were asking for updated shots. She is a very, very, very, very, VERY patient dog.

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