Saturday, March 8, 2008

I didn't really say that...did I?

It is 10:30 on a Saturday night and I am here...with you...fully prepared to write something...funny? amusing? witty? clever? I guess we'll see. Hmmm...

I suppose it seems a bit sad and a whole lot boring that I am at home on a Saturday night. I even had a babysitter lined up. AND I CANCELLED! I know! Ca-ray-ay-zee! It's just how I roll [insert gang sign here]. I fully blame the siren call of my recliner and fleece blanket. Seriously. You'd stay here, too.

It has just been a really, really great day. We stayed in last night and after Drew went to bed Eric and I stayed up way too late talking about movies and screenplays and such. We haven't done that in far too long. We usually end up talking about bills or Drew or bills related to Drew or Drew's bills or **sigh** lack of money to pay bills. For those of you who aren't parents I'll explain what conversation is like once you have a child old enough to use full sentences:

Step 1: Get lobotomy.
Step 2: Well...I guess there isn't really a step 2...

So anyway, after late night pre-lobotomy-ish conversation I was roused from sleep by Mazie at the usual time of 6:45. Whee! Once Drew and Eric were up we had coffee and pancakes and then we cleaned the kitchen. Then we went outside and played in the backyard with Drew and Mazie and enjoyed the mid-50s weather. It. Was. Glorious. GLORIOUS I tell you!

Just take a look at Mazie and you can tell it was one of those days that turns your brains to Skittles and makes you all goofy:

Isn't she is getting big?! She is such a sweet, beautiful pup!

She is also becoming just a teensy bit unhinged because she is under constant threat of Drew attack. He does this sneaky Ninja-style creep and pounce thing that drives Mazie nuts. She never quite knows when it is coming since Drew, much like lightening, never strikes the same place twice.

After our backyard romp we went to Hastings and rented a movie and then went to the grocery store and then came home and made yummy tacos and watched Meet the Robinsons with Drew and then he went to bed and now I am sitting here talking to you. Aren't you just thrilled?!!!!

We were actually going to go out tonight, but the closer it got to time to get ready to go the less motivated I was to get dressed to go out. I did actually go upstairs to change clothes, but instead of putting on a cute outfit I put on a pair of men's flannel pajama pants that are about two sizes too big and are literally the most comfortable pants I own. I would so totally wear them to work if I could get away with it. I just don't have the right shoes.

On a completely different note, I have to post a list entitled "Things I Never Imagined I Would Ever Say Outloud Until I Became A Parent." I post this partly because it is funny and partly because one of my blogger friends promised to post her list if I post mine. So...without further ado...Strange Parental Utterings:

1. Drew, DO NOT swing the lightsaber over your head when you are standing on the coffee table.

2. Drew, DO NOT lock the dog in the BBQ grill. Do you understand me?

3. One more time, Drew, and I WILL throw the monkey out the window.

4. I have duct tape and I am not afraid to use it.

5. How the hell did you fit that up your nose and why did you push it in that far?!

6. Drew, I am not going to drive Bumblebee through the Hoover Dam so stop asking!

I am sure there are more, but I'll be damned if I can think of them right now. I really need to start writing them down or something. I just worry that if I do and someone finds the list I would be committed to a mental institution or thrown in jail. That would suck...except that I could probably sleep past 6:45...

1 comment:

Peanut said...

I think that top photo may be the cutest photo ever.