Sunday, July 12, 2009

I didn't expect the Animal Kingdom.

What a weekend! It was slightly productive and incredibly lazy. I channeled all my powers of procrastination and successfully avoided doing all kinds of things I should have done. Whee!!

On Saturday we weren't too lazy. We tackled some yard work BEFORE sitting in front of the television for hours on end. Oh, and I learned a valuable lesson about yard work.

The last couple of months we have been working our tails off to get our yard in order. We now have a front yard that looks spectacular. However, we have a backyard that looks like we selected "overgrown and dead" as our landscape theme.

So, after a couple of hours of front yard maintenance we decided to work on the back. This is where the lesson learning part comes in:

Don't let your backyard weeds grow to epic proportions because you shall have unexpected interaction with wildlife.

Namely, mice and snakes.

I reached down and pulled a rather large weed next to the house and a field mouse jumped out at me. I am not sure who was more startled. All I know is my scream was louder. We found its home and decided to leave it alone. It was actually kind of a cute mouse.

Not 10 minutes later I pulled another large weed around the corner from the mouse house and a snake jumped out. The snake wasn't as cute as the mouse. Eric caught it and put it through the fence into the backyard of a neighboring house. I am trying to figure out if that is good karma or bad karma. Either way, I am certain it is only a matter of time before we see the snake again.

That was pretty much the end of my willingness to pull weeds. I was afraid I was going to find Jimmy Hoffa's body. The rest of the weekend has been spent sitting on my butt watching television. I like watching television. There are fewer creatures jumping out at me.

Unless you count Drew, of course.

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