Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I am tired; therefore, I rant. Enjoy.

In yet another demonstration of my poor decision-making abilities, I stayed up way too late last night. I wish I could say that I stayed up saving the world from foriegn attack like a middle-aged, over-weight superhero, but alas, I wasn't. No. I actually stayed up until after 1:00 a.m. watching Mighty Ducks 3.

Yes. That is correct. Mighty Ducks 3. It was awful -- and I. Couldn't. Stop. Watching. The best part? Joshua Jackson, aka Pacey, with the world's most horrific haircut and no acting skill. Eric and I laid in bed making fun of plot holes, bad acting, poor hockey form, the unbelievability of the entire premise of the film and predicting what would happen next. Then at the end, Joshua Jackson's character and Emilio Estevez's character high-fived and fireworks came out of their hands. Seriously, right?! I couldn't make shit up that has more comedy fodder than this!

Comedy fodder aside. Now I am tired. And a little grumpy. It doesn't help that I have had to listen to the Canadian National Anthem about 25 times in the last hour and a half. On repeat. At full volume. I went on a fruitless search for something long enough to gouge my eardrums out, but have now resorted to plotting ways to irreparably damage my cube neighbor's speakers. Or kill him. All I need is a paperclip, chewed bubble gum and a toothpick and I could turn it into a bomb set to explode the next time the volume crosses into "the office across the hall really, really likes this song and wants to hear it" territory. I could do it, too. I learned it watching MacGyver.

Actually, I have to make a disclaimer here that I would not, in fact, blow up my cube neighbor. I actually like him quite a bit. It's his music I hate. In the time it has taken me to type this the music has switched from the Canadian National Anthem to some folksy, country-type music. I never thought I would say this, but I actually miss the anthem. It didn't engage my gag-reflex quite so much.


To keep the grumpy rant going I must comment on drivers. I know. I know. AGAIN? You ask. Yes. Again. I can post whatever I like, mister, and you are darn well going to like it.

I just don't understand why people don't drive the speed limit. I mean, I get the fact that a large portion of the population in this part of the state is concerned about deportation, but I've said it once and I'll say it a million more times, THEY DON'T DEPORT YOU FOR DRIVING THE SPEED LIMIT! It's that whole "illegal alien" thing they get a teensy bit miffed about! The kicker is that even those people who don't need to worry about the pesky INS agents can't seem to drive the speed limit. Everyone around here drives 5 miles under the speed limit. On a sunny day. In the summer. In front of me. Really? Snow. Ice. Rain. Those things warrant slow driving. You being an idiot? No excuse.

Not only that, but they can't even drive a consistent number of miles under. Speed up. Slow down. Speed up. It's like one giant idiot parade. Only with no mini-cars or pageant queens. I have visions of buying one of those Mad Max style cars with the giant bumper on the front and just pushing the morons out of the way. Either that or I could install a giant boxing glove that punches them each time I hit the horn. Talk about a stress reliever.

Hmmmm...what to talk about...

OH! I just thought of something awesome! Drew has his very first loose tooth! Teeth, actually. The two bottom front are both loose and it is very exciting, but also a little sad. I don't think there is a parent out there who doesn't wake up one day and wonder who the large child is that suddenly replaced their infant. It just all goes by so fast.

Eric and I are still having the baby debate. At one point I thought we had it all settled and were going to go for it. However, we have changed our minds. I know! Shocker!! I just don't know if I want to go through it all again. I have learned to appreciate having clothes without vomit on the shoulders and I really, really like not living in a house that always smells like baby poop no matter how much you clean and spray air freshener. More than anything else, I like sleeping through the night -- an activity you don't fully appreciate until you have an infant in the house.

I like the fact that Drew is almost completely self-sufficient yet still cuddly. I am really enjoying this time in our lives and the relationship we have with Drew. He is such a cool kid and we are this really cool little unit. I don't want to ruin it.

Aren't life decisions FUN?!!!

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