Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If the dog is cute does that make me a better joiner?

I discovered over the last several weeks that I am a terrible joiner. I like to think I am a good joiner so I keep joining shit, but it always goes wrong. Why, you ask? Because I never show up for meetings. I hate meetings. So why do I keep joining crap that requires meetings? Over the last few days I have been trying to figure out exactly why that is.

I mean...I have this ridiculous deep-seated need to be included and it actually sucks when I don't get invited to stuff. The problem? I am not a fan of people in general so people in groups are even more likely to piss me off. Now don't get me wrong - I love my friends and my family and I meet some really great people all the time because of my job, but also because of my job once I get home I don't want to see or talk to anyone but Eric and Drew. I talk to people All. Day. Long. When I leave work I am pretty much done with people. Anyway, because of that quirk when I do get invited to something I will almost always come up with any excuse I can think of no matter how spectacularly implausible just to avoid going. To put it into perspective: If Drew actually got sick as often as he "gets sick" then we should really seek medical intervention. And fast.

I must pause and point out that if I call in to work because Drew is sick then it is because he is sick. Honest. It is. Really. Sick. As a dog. Deathbed. I mean it.

Ok - so to delve deeper into that whole joining thing? I have a confession to make. A really embarrassing confession. A confession that shouldn't be embarrasing, but it just is anyway.

I joined Weight Watchers.

I actually signed up before Christmas and I have managed to lose about 10 pounds since then, but overall I am a horrible Weight Watcher. The only way I could be considered good at being a Weight Watcher is if we were supposed to be watching our weight stay exactly the same. If that is the goal then I am a freakin' super rock star. Gold medal, baby!

I just hate going to the meetings. I can deal with the scale and all that, but when the meeting part starts I start to feel like I need to stand up and say, "Hi. My name is Jayna and I am a Fatty McFatsalot." They even give you key rings and stuff when you hit certain milestones. I know they mean well and I know that millions of people have lost tons (pardon the pun) of weight doing it, but it is starting to border on CULT and what with that whole "not a joiner" thing I am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY averse to joining a cult. I swear on all that is cellulite-ridden that if they ever offer me Kool-Aid I'm leaving the state. Immediately.

Anyway, it just seems like when I walk into those meetings I start to feel even crappier about myself. I would go on to say that it has become one more thing I suck at, but that would be depressing and I am going to pretend that I am all self-assured and shit. Bad self-esteem? ME? Never.

Moving on to the Best. Puppy. Ever.

My neighbors still think I am crazy. That hasn't changed, but what has changed is that it takes progressively less "Go Potty's" before she actually does it. I am less cold and much happier. I am also getting to sleep almost all the way through the night. She only wakes me up once and it seems to be about an hour or so before I would get up anyway. This dog is bound and determined to make me a morning person. I am not entirely sure because I don't have proof (yet), but I think that getting up early is making me a much snarkier person. I would take a poll of my friends, but seriously? I don't care. I embrace my inner snark. Snark is good. Snarkiers (Snarkinators?) unite.

And, because she is too cute for words, here are some new pictures of Mazie.

1 comment:

Peanut said...

I figured out that I spent $40 to loose approximately .5 lbs in 4 I hear you. Switch to the WW online, it's a lot cheaper and you wont feel pressured to attend those scary, cult-like meetings.

As for Maisy, the following statement came to mind:
"It's cold and I have to sh*t"